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About Marita


Marita O'Shea has worked in Canberra for over 25 years. For the last 15 years she has been providing specialised physiotherapy treating women with pelvic floor dysfunction. She is passionate about educating women about the importance of good pelvic health throughout all the life stages.

Marita has a postgraduate certificate in Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation and Continence and is passionate about providing women with the correct pelvic floor advice at all stages in their life.

Marita has a strong background in musculoskeletal physiotherapy and is experienced in treating pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain, lower back pain and sacroiliac joint instability.


She uses real-time ultrasound to provide  patients with feedback on pelvic floor muscles and lower abdominal muscle activation patterns and tailors exercise programs for her patients to suit their stage of life.   


Marita has a degree in both physiotherapy and exercise physiology and has worked in Canberra since 1996.


Marita sees patients at Specialist Services in Deakin where she works with specialist Gynaecologists.

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